Opportunities for working differently

Sarah Pollock shares opportunities identified in the longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers, which tracked the careers of a cohort of individual local authority child and family social workers over five years.

The Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers tracked the careers of a cohort of individual local authority child and family social workers over five years. The study provides unique insight into changes in the system at an aggregate level, and also how individuals’ career paths and attitudes change over time.

Sarah Pollock shares the opportunities identified in the study around:

  • Continuing professional development.
  • Hybrid working.
  • Internal organisational support.
  • Recruitment and retention.
  • New ways of working with families.

Sarah Pollock is a senior lecturer in social work at Manchester Metropolitan University. She is a qualified and registered social worker and her practice experience includes working with adults in both community and hospital settings in North West England. She is the Admissions Lead for the MA Social Work programme and is also the Department International Lead for the Department of Social Care and Social Work. 

(Length: 3 minutes)

Reflective questions

Consider examples from your own organisation: 

  1. What opportunities for professional development does hybrid or online working offer for your organisation? 
  2. How might you ensure that opportunities for professional development are equitable for all practitioners?

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Lead and govern excellent practice | Creating a context for excellent practice | Designing a system to support effective practice

CQC - Safe | Effective | Well-led

PCF - Contexts and organisations | Professional leadership

RCOT - Collaborative | Monitor resources

Building and sustaining a resilient system

Video learning resources take a strategic lens to explore what a resilient system looks and feels like.
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