What levers do local authorities have to shape the market and how can they make use of them?

Mike Burke from the National Audit Office shares learning from their report on the adult social care market in England. Mike reflects on the levers that local authorities have available and how they can make best use of them, particularly through partnership working.

Mike Burke from the National Audit Office (NAO) shares learning from their report on the adult social care market in England. Mike reflects on the levers that local authorities have available and how they can make best use of them, particularly through partnership working. 

Mike Burke leads value for money studies at the National Audit Office. He specialises in local government and housing. Previous studies include work on adult social care markets, Government response to Covid-19, affordable housing, and the planning system. He is a chartered accountant and has led a wide range of public and commercial audits. Michael spent a year seconded to the Public Accounts Committee, which examines spending across the whole of government.  Prior to joining the NAO, he worked in senior positions in local government including within Children’s services. Michael has been a trustee for a medium-sized housing association and sat on a local authority audit committee.

(Length: 4 minutes)

Reflective questions

Consider examples from your own organisation:

  1. How might you develop your relationship with social care providers to enable you to have conversations around delivering social care differently? 
  2. What opportunities are there to work in partnership in your area? 

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Lead and govern excellent practice | Creating a context for excellent practice | Designing a system to support effective practice

CQC - Safe | Effective | Well-led

PCF - Contexts and organisations | Professional leadership

RCOT - Collaborative | Monitor resources

Building and sustaining a resilient system

Video learning resources take a strategic lens to explore what a resilient system looks and feels like.
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