What to consider when working with neurodivergent colleagues

Outlining the steps that we can take to create an equitable working environment for neurodivergent colleagues.

Jenni Guthrie, Deputy Chair of the BASW Neurodivergent Social Workers Special Interest Group shares the steps that we can take to create an equitable working environment for neurodivergent colleagues.

Talking points

This video looks at:  

  • Checking assumptions around normative practice and behaviour.
  • How we analyse and respond to the behaviours that we are observing.
  • Cultural humility.
  • A cultural approach to neurodivergence.

Length: 7 minutes

Reflective questions

Consider examples from your own organisations and practice:  

  1. What assumptions do you hold around neurodivergence, and how might you create the space to question these?
  2. How might you develop and encourage cultural humility within your team?

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Organisational context | Developing excellent practitioners | Creating a context for excellent practice | Organisational context | Developing confident and capable social workers

CQC - Well-led

PCF - Diversity and equality

RCOT - Support development

Supporting neurodivergent practitioners in your social care organisation

Five short film series explore how organisations can support neurodivergent practitioners to thrive and progress.
View resources index