Supporting the identity development of care leavers

Published: 25/10/2023

Author: Research in Practice

To support care leavers it’s important to celebrate their achievements, raise awareness of the challenges they face, and amplify their voices. For National Care Leavers Week, Research in Practice learning resources aim to support positive outcomes for young people leaving care.

Young people with care experience have expressed they want practitioners to have a better understanding of identity, including cultural awareness, gender and sexual identity, beliefs and religion. A Research in Practice tool aims to support the identity development of children and young people. The tool provides useful concepts about identity for social care practitioners and includes guidance about how they can support the identity development of young people. The Practice Tool will be open access until 1 November.

Practitioners need to be well-supported to have the time to build trusting relationships and work in partnership to understand their identity and lived experience. A collection of open access videos share learning from the Bright Spots programme. They present the views of children in care and care leavers about staying connected to the people who are important to them, and principles and tools for developing practice in this area.

Additionally, a new blog from Blue Cabin outlines Creative Aid, a co-creation project that aims to support young men with care experience in Deerbolt Prison, County Durham, to explore their life stories and develop their relationships with others, including family members and peers.

Social care practitioners play a significant role in the lives of children and young people, making decisions that have wide-ranging and long-lasting impacts. These resources aim to support positive outcomes for care leavers.

This practice tool considers how practitioners can explore and write about identity with children and young people. It gives a short introduction to some useful concepts about identity for social care practitioners and provides guidance about how practitioners could support children’s identity development.

View the Practice Tool (open access until 1 November).

These videos and resources share learning from the Bright Spots programme. They present the views of children in care and care leavers about staying connected to the people who are important to them, and principles and tools for developing practice in this area.

View the videos

Care leavers are over-represented in the prison population. Blue Cabin's Creative Aid project aims to support young men with care experience in Deerbolt Prison, County Durham to explore their life stories and develop their relationships with others, including family members and peers. 

Read the blog.

Supporting the identity development of care leavers

These Research in Practice resources are designed for practitioners to support the identity development of young people with care experience, including life story work, using genograms, and the importance of good recording.

Supporting young people leaving care

Leaving care is a huge transitional period that many young people face. Our resources aim to support positive outcomes for young people leaving care.